O, sometimes I's gets a little cunfused at times. Could someones please tell me whats a meezer?
ok, thats my question. I hopes someone can answer that fur me.
Now i have a cunfession. Its a big one. And no I's not in trouble. I'm an angel cat. Being that it is ferel cat day i want to cunfess somethings to my humans and my pets (but not to the evil Ghetto, I still hates her and I wont share anyfing with her! Not Never!) Ok, where was I?
Ok, here goes. Two more days from now I will have lived with you for a month. It has been an odd thing fur me, to go furm living in the mud, and the leaves and the weedy shrub wiff so many ofurs bein' always hungry and wet from rain and cold from wind and scared at night with the bad big car machines and the barkin woofs and the big mean cats and the....
Whats was I meowing about agian? O, right. The cunfession.
I've learned what toys are, an what a witter box is and what a water bowl is and that kitten food has racing fuel in it and that some woofs arnt too bad....
And I haf learned that humans arnt bad neither. I guess what I am trying to meow is that I wuv you. Will you be my mommy? I knows that I have been a brat sumtimes, an that I scratch you up a lot, but I can't remember my own mommy anymore, and you keep me warm and give me cuddles when I want it and fresh water and you scoop the witter, and that for the first time in my whole entire life I am happy an I haf sumthing to always purr about.
Come home soon....mom...I'm waiting fer you to get home from work.
P.S. Pwease don't read the sappy part, that is fur the She only cause i's don't want you to see how sappy I am. Im a big mean strong takin' over the world kitten, K?