Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ok whats wrong with this picture?

Hey how come the pet man gets yummies?


Millie said...

Any kitty can tell what's wrong with that picture -- you ain't gettin' any!

But you're being awfully polite about it.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I agree with Millie ... The only thing wrong with the photo is the two of you haven't wrestled the food away from your person. You're much too restrained. I'd be on the back of the sofa with my front paws on his shoulder doin' the feline head-bob to try to distract him ... Either that or I'd have gotten the dog really riled up and then swooped in for the steal.
DaisyMae Maus

Rascal said...

Hmm. What's wrong with that picture is that the Cat is having to wait . I agree with Daisymae. Use the dog to create a diversion and then take the food all for yourself.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh, you should get some also! You need your food so you can grow into a Freya, the big cat.

Victor Tabbycat said...

That is SOOOO not fare. He's aposed to share. And he got the chair, too. Stand on the arm of the chair, an when he turns away, go to the ofur arm. An if he stands up, jump into the seat.
Way back in my ark-hives, there's a pictor of me not gettin popcorn frum Dad. What's up wif dads?

Victor Tabbycat said...

Ok, here's what you do. Investigate the soda can. Maybe efun spill it. Then he'll set down the food to clean up the mess and it's yours.

Sadie said...

You could try jumpin' up in his lap, and lookin' real cute, and see if he'll offer you some.

But usin' the dog is a real good idea. Get her to do somethin' bad, and get in trouble, and then you can sneak in there.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

i finks usin tha woof fur die-ver-shun be tha best idee. him appears to be mesmerized by sumfing in fronts of him...probably TV.

u's could jump in his plate, that what i's done befores. my Daddie laffed so loud, he sets hims plate of roast chicken on tha floor (yummm). hee-hee.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Did the man ever share? Me Meowm lets me smell hers and then gives me a tiny bite if I seem interested. Sometimes it's good, but most of the time it isn't.

Emma's Kat said...

He didn't share! Shame on him! Hehee, you are being very polite though!

Daphne said...

I hope that since you posted his non-sharing on the internet, that he'll think twice in the future about excluding you from the snackies!
Not The Mama always says "sharing is caring" -- so tell your pet man to share, durnit!
Meow for now ~ Daphne

Rosie & Cheeto said...

I know what's wrong!!! Thare is a big dawgie and yer sitting qwietlie next to it!!! ahhhh

Mr. Hendrix said...

I can't believe your pet man wasn't sharing. Now that is pury impolite especially when you are sitting so patiently.
I can't believe how brave you are. I can't believe that you are next to a woofie. Mommy had 2 rescued goldens before me and she said they are "sweetie big baby heads," but still...they are woofies. Big woofies. You are one of the bravest kitties. I'd be sitting on top of "pet man's" head yowling...
Daisymae, you are a genius...

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

The least he could do is share!!


Susie said...

Sabi: That's called teasing!

Kimo: . . . or torture!!!

Susie said...

HAve a safe Meow-lo-ween!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Freya! Where haf you been? We're worried abouts you!

Susie said...

Hey Freya - are you still blogging?

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Freya, where are you? Really miss you...please post.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Whare are yoo. Its been almowst a munth withowt a post and we are vary wurried!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Hi Freya. How are you? We come to see everyday whether you are here. We'll be back tomorrow.