Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hi efurbody!

My mommy has an important question about eating stuff. She got kinda mad at me too saying it could be bad fur me and all that but I think it tastes good. So can you tell my mom whether or not spider plants and african violets are bad for me? I just like to pick off the leaves of the violets cause they are fuzzy. Mom isn't amused by that but I have been eating the spider plant and have unpotted it too. She is such a worry wort sometimes. I feel fine and stuff!

thanks Freya, the super gardner mega cat


Nickie said...

ah tweet ariel thank yous! Thank yous! Both plants are non-toxic! mom will be thrilled that I can destroy them without harm!!

er....well maybe she wont be thrilled. But its fun anyway!

Freya the destroyer :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Please get some kitty grass, you will love it, it is good for your digestion, it's pretty especially in the winter time.

The Tower Hill Mob said...

As far as we know, neither plant will hurt you. Neither will poinsettias. But it's probably best to stay away from them all and get kitty grass!
Don't touch cactus, though!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

We love kitty grass too.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! the website has the best list of plants that are bad for kitties and doggies. It sounds like you had lots fun!