Sunday, January 21, 2007

This is Freya...

I haff to make sum changes to the blog today, mommy says socause the ofurs are gettin jeolous. I haff to let my furend the woof post and my brofur Snuggles, Ghetto the evil one all wanna post so's I haff to add them as contributors.

Speaking of Jeolous ya'll know how mad I gets when the woof gets to go outside, well mommy let me touch snow this morning! :) She carried me outside and set me down a moment and I put my paw in the snow. She then took me back in. I like snow!


Daisy said...

I have to let my sister Pixie post sometimes too. But I don't like it!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm thinks I might like snow....she is not sure if I have been in it before I adopted her. Maybe one day she will let me go out in it for just a minute......I can hope!

Anonymous said...

we like all your friends in the sidebar - that's a great family you have!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Freya, what a nice girl you are to share. You have a great family. Your beans must be so cool!
You must be brave to go out in the snow. Be sure to stay close to your mommy when you're outside though!
We can't wait to hear all abouts your family. We also hope Sasha is still doing well. Purrs and headbutts!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You like snow? Wow. I just experienced my first snow today, and I don't like it. It's cold.

Susie said...

Kimo: I hear that snow stuff is furry cold! I likes to play with ice cuber though!

PS - Sabi can't blog today - he gotted a time-out. Hehehe!

Justin said...

Thats nice Freya you like snow. My cats too like snow a lot n whenever they see snow they try to go out although my Mom donot allow them to do so. Poor gals!!

And hey, just check out my new friends

Victor Tabbycat said...

Bonnie an I are aposed to share. I fink it'll be fun to see what yur furiends haf to say. Just amind them that you'll get to read their posts later, so they shouldn't post anyfing they don't want you to read.

Lux said...

So you liked snow? I didn't much like it when Mom & Dad put my feet in some recently! Brr!

Nickie said...

Yes I liked snow. I liked it again yesterday when mommy let me touch it again :) I even put my nose in it!

Nickie said...

Hehehe that was me, Freya not my mommy posting efen tho it looks like my mommy posting. When we switched to the new bloggy thingy we couldnt haff seperate IDs any more :(