This is Munchkin. Mommy didn't know him a long time although mommy says this is her favorite cat of all time (I put the bitey on her for saying that) He was a ferel a llllllong time ago before mommy had come to know him. I guess her step-dad founded him in a dumpster as a kitten. Who would put a kitten in a dumpster? Anyway this was a long time before mommy even know her step-daddy. When mommys mommy married her step dad they came to live with him. He had 3 cats. Munchkin was the youngest one at 15 years old. Anyway mommy and munchkin were best furends right away. They stuck togefur like glue. When mommy was sick he would never leaf her side. When mommy broked her back, he stayed and watched even though he was scared when the paramedics came and guarded ofur her. He loved to sleep under the covers by mommy's legs and would tickle her all night wiff his whiskers and wet nose. He snored too. I guess when you get old you tend to snore a lot. And he rumbled when he purred, always purring. Mommy calls him the angel cat. Anyway about 5 years later he was curled on her bed and he wouldn't move. He was still breafin and all but he jsut wouldnt wake up or move. Mommy got real scared and they took him to the doktor. They made mommy wait out in the car and came back wiffout munchkin. they told her he had been put to sleep, and that he was gone now. Mommy hated them for a while and she really missed munchin a lot and would dream about him for years. Mommy still misses him sumtimes.
Anyway, thats Munchin's story...a cat that came before.
What a terrific story! Munchkin sounds like he was a great cat.
Oh good! We's so glad to heer Sasha is feelin some better. We'll keep sendin purrs n purrayers til she feels all better. :)
Munchkin sounds like he wuz a furry nice kitty. Mommy went awwwwwww bout how he guarded your Mommy when she broked her back. Munchkin is hafin fun at the Bridge and waitin for your Mommy fur sure.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Thanks for the story of Munchkin. I wish I could have been his friend.
Munchkin sounds like a grate frend to haf had. Wuz he stikin his tung out at haffin his piksher taken? Yoor step-daddy must be a grate guy rescooin kitties like dat.
So glad for Sasha, we'll keep sending purr-rayers fur her, too.
Munchkin, what a wonderful story. Your mom was very lucky to have him, even for just a few years. And he is at the bridge, playing and waiting. Thanks so much for sharing that story.
Munchkin was a cutie. Bof cats afore Bonnie was tuxies, an Mom still has a soft spot in her heart fur them. She only hadded Scruffy fur 2 years an then she died just like Munchkin, cept Mom knew it was comin cuz she had tumors an no treatment. That's a nice triboot.
At least Sasha's doin better! Nefur unnerestimate the power of fur an purr!
He sounds like he was a good buddy! We loves his tounge sticking out!
We are glad Sasha is do better.
Mumchkin sounds like a true angel cat. Such a sweetheart.
Aww, Munchkin is beautiful and he must've been really GOOD on the INSIDE, too!
Munchkin sounds like he was a great cat! Glad to hear Sasha is doing better!
yay fur yur woofie! an Munchkin sure was a cutie. we really liked the story - what a sweet kitty!
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